ICSW COVID-19 Updates & Resources
COVID-19 Information Last Updated October 7, 2022
For the most current information, please read ICSW’s Community Messages
Community Messages:
ICSW Admissions
As of April 3, 2020 and in light of COVID-19, the deadline for fall 2020 admission for all academic programs has been extended.
ICSW Events cancelled or postponed:
Fall 2020 courses beginning online
September Onsite Weekend (Moved online)
Summer 2020 Courses (Moved online)
May Onsite Weekend (Moved online)
May Spring 2020 Annual Conference
March Faculty Meeting postponed
Mission 2020 Spring Benefit
March Onsite Weekend
Federal Student Financial Aid: LINK
Online teaching resources:
Free online pedagogy webinar from Chicago School for Professional Psychology: March 19, 2020
Supporting and engaging students when instruction is temporarily moved online
Zoom: Running a meeting and screen sharing
Telehealth Guidance:
HIPPA Compliant Treatment on Zoom
Get 10 or more clinicians (10 is the minimum) for a HIPAA-BAA account. You are responsible for collecting the fees. Zoom does not collect the fees
Price -Monthly Fee is $19.99 per license per month. Yearly Fee is $16.65 per month paid in advance = $199.90 per license per year.
Call the Zoom number - 1 (888) 799-9666 Press #1 for Sales. Or try Haley Van Amberg 1(720) 900-1580 - haley.vanamberg@zoom.us
Online instructional support:
John Ridings,PhD jridings@icsw.edu
Lou Pansulla,PhD lpansulla@icsw.edu
Limited Media Exposure
Stay informed but limit your media exposure.
Identify a limited number of times and media sources that you will access daily.
Try turning off the television and limiting social media updates as research has shown an overexposure to media during stressful events can be harmful.
Stay Connected During Social Distancing
We are social beings and an important part of staying connected is interacting with others.
Here’s a link on how to stay connected.
Use Trusted Resources to Stay Informed
Coping with Anxiety and Uncertainty
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has guidance on managing mental health and coping during COVID-19 for children and caregivers, as well as guidance for higher education administrators.
The Hope Center has outlined resources for supporting college students during this crisis.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has information on travel, media resources, and other research on COVID-19.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America Psychologist Jelena Kecmanovic provides some science-based strategies and tips for coping with COVID-19 anxiety.
Psychology Today provides 19 Ways to Support Your Mental Health During COVID-19