JPC Fall 2023 Conference Description
Empowering Adult Attention Deficit Clients and Clinicians: A Multi-Level Approach.
Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder are challenging to themselves, their families, employers, and therapists. This Seventh Joseph Palombo Center Fall Conference will equip clients and clinicians to work more successfully in understanding and managing this often-undiagnosed disorder in adulthood. It is often overlooked as a diagnosis because of its presentation variability and overlap with other psychiatric disorders.
The Conference will explore the clinical utility of using the Palombo Center's Level of Analysis framework that considers first-level analytical data obtained by screening for ADHD symptoms and impairment using standardized rating scales, ruling out medical causes of inattention and impulsivity such as thyroid disorders, sleep apnea, substance use, or medication side effects. Also, on this objective level, assessing and ruling out other comorbid psychiatric conditions that can mimic mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, or learning disabilities.
The next level of analysis is the context in which the person developed. What were the relationships in the client's life? Were there environmental elements in the context that may have affected the client's ability to maintain attention and limit impulsivity? What 'solutions' did the client use to accommodate developmentally to the context in which they found themselves?
On the final level of analysis, what was the client's subjective experience of levels one and two? What self-narrative did they begin to tell themselves about who they are and how they became this way? Ultimately, how does it feel to be? The feeling can be conscious or unconscious, reflecting all lived experiences.
The scaffold of these analyses creates an awareness of how a nonlinear complex adapting self-system develops from a historical and an evolutionary perspective. The methodology suggests multiple therapeutic approaches as new ways to influence a complex adaptive self-system to develop more complexity.
For questions, please contact Elree C. Smith at esmith@icsw.edu or (773) 943-6506.
For Hotel and Travel Information, please click here for more information on local hotels and partner discounts available to the ICSW Community.
The Audley Reid Band is a multi-talented group that performs songs from the Great American Song Book, current R&B and Contemporary Smooth Jazz. The band has performed at various Galas, Music Festivals in the Chicago land area for the past 20 years.
The Board of Trustees of the Institute for Clinical Social Work established the Joseph Palombo Center for Neuroscience and Psychoanalytic Social Work to honor Joe Palombo
for his dedication and devotion, over the 55-year period of his career, to the improvement of the lives of children, adolescents, and adults with neurobehavioral problems
and to furthering the education of clinical social workers.
Concordant with the values and objectives of The Institute for Clinical Social Work, the Joseph Palombo Center for Neuroscience and Psychoanalytic Social Work is an interdisciplinary center whose:
Mission is to maximize the effectiveness of mental health services to children, adolescents, and adults through the integration of neuroscience and psychoanalytic social work by offering educational opportunities to professionals and the lay public.
Vision is to enhance the mental health of children, adolescents, and adults by integrating neuroscience and psychoanalytic social work.
Advisory Committee
Amy Groessl, Ph.D.
Diane Leamy, Ph.D.
Sue Terrell, Ph.D
Carrie Torgerson, Ph.D.
President, Ex Officio - Michelle Curtain Stewart, Ed.D.
Dean, Ex Officio - Andrew W. Safyer, Ph.D.
Director - William D. Gieseke, Ph.D.
Honorary Board Members
Lou Cozolino, Ph.D. - Professor of Psychology
Pepperdine University
Gaylord Gieseke - Chair
Illinois Childhood Trauma Coalition
Linda Gilkerson, Ph.D.
Professor Erikson Institute
Meryl Lipton, MD
Behavioral Child Neurologist
Faye Mishna, Ph.D. - Dean & Professor
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto
Eva Rass, Ph.D.
Psychoanalyst (Germany)
Allan N. Schore, Ph.D. - Clinical Faculty
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences UCLA
David Geffen School of Medicine
Mark D. Smaller, Ph.D. - Past President
American Psychoanalytic Association
Jesse L. Viner, MD
Director and Founder Yellowbrick
Consultation and Treatment Center