Mission & Vision Statement

Concordant with the values and objectives of The Institute for Clinical Social Work, the Joseph Palombo Center for Neuroscience and Psychoanalytic Social Work is an interdisciplinary center whose:

Mission is to maximize the effectiveness of mental health services to children, adolescents, and adults through the integration of neuroscience and psychoanalytic social work by offering educational opportunities to professionals and the lay public.

Vision is to enhance the mental health of children, adolescents, and adults by integrating neuroscience and psychoanalytic social work.

Upcoming Events


About Joseph Palombo

The Board of Trustees of the Institute for Clinical Social Work established the Joseph Palombo Center for Neuroscience and Psychoanalytic Social Work to honor Joseph Palombo for his dedication and devotion, over the 55-year period of his career, to the improvement of the lives of children, adolescents, and adults with neurobehavioral problems and to furthering the education of clinical social workers.

Joseph Palombo was born in Cairo, Egypt and immigrated to the United States when he was 19 years old to pursue his education. He matriculated to the New School for Social Research, in New York City, a home for progressive thinkers which provided opportunities for deep inquiry, not at all surprising that Joe enrolled at this school (1954). He continued his education at Yale University where he received a Master’s Degree in Philosophy (1957).

With this foundation, Joe moved to the Midwest to attend the University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration. During this time, he met and married Dorothy Denton, also a social worker whose career path led her to be a recognized community activist and esteemed agency administrator. Throughout their 60-year marriage, Joe and Dottie nurtured and enriched each other’s professional and personal lives.

Advisory Committee Members

Advisory Committee

Director, William D. Gieseke, Ph.D.


Amy Groessl, Ph.D.

Ex Officio Members

Sue Terrell, Ph.D

Carrie Torgerson, Ph.D.

ICSW President, Michelle Curtain Stewart, Ed.D.

ICSW Staff, Elree C. Smith, BA

Joseph Palombo Fellow, L. Alexia Camfield, LCSW

List of Past Conferences