Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Taskforce

The Institute for Clinical Social Work’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Taskforce has been charged by

President, Dr. Michelle Curtain Stewart, with building a shared diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment at ICSW.



Dr. Merari Fernandez, Chair


Dr. Ida Roldán

Faculty & Staff Members

Dr. Michelle Curtain Stewart, President

Dr. Paula Ammerman, Alumna and Full Faculty Member

Michael Bauman, Vice President of Finance and Operations

Dr. Karen Bloomberg, Dean of Students

Dr. Karen Daiter, Full-Faculty Member

Dr. Michelle Piotrowski, Alumna & Full Faculty

Dr. Jacquelyn Vincson, Chair of Research Full Faculty

Steve Vogelstein, Full Faculty


Student Members are serving on the Student Support sub-group

Mary Ablett

Claire Haglund 

Remi Mitchell

Christine White



Please reach out to the DEI Committee at DEI@icsw.edu


Racial Equity

Statement on Racial Equity (June 2, 2020) 

The tragedy of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis reveals, once again, the effects of institutionalized racism has become a flashpoint for justified lack of trust that will be seen and treated as a symptom of implicit bias in all systems. The Institute for Clinical Social Work understands that institutional racism is not isolated to police departments and hears the protests as a call to action to work for racial equity in our nation, in our communities, and in our institutions of higher education. ICSW’s answer is a diversity task force.    

The Institute for Clinical Social Work believes in equal access to education, health care, and the right to exist and calls upon its members to reflect individually on what actions we each can take to seek justice and to commit collectively to create an institute that lives its values. The DEI task force is a joint effort from students and professors to promote strategies and best practices within the realms of racial, social, sexual, and gender diversity. 

Our diversity task force goals are imperative to the safety and security of our communities. We must turn our listening ear and our great capacities for empathy to the voices of African American people who do not feel safe, to black and brown mothers and fathers who send their children out in the world and must tolerate unyielding fear for them, and to our colleagues, co-workers, students, and partners who are generous enough to share their experience, and we learn from each other. 

We use our self-awareness to know that if we blame the police and leave it at that, we are avoiding our own privilege and our own responsibility to act, speak up, demand equity. IF we stay silent, we are complicit. Our education and work seek to amplify all human stories and perspectives. 

Goals of the Diversity Task Force:

Here are some specific action steps that the Institute for Clinical Social Work’s Diversity and Inclusion Task Force will implement as we continue to live our mission and work towards combatting institutionalized racism: 

Academic curricular- We will review our curriculum to include a greater diversity of authorship in psychodynamic and psychoanalytic theories and practices. 

Community education- We will organize a summer training on implicit bias in theorizing, agencies, and practices. 

Faculty development- We will focus on Diversity and Inclusion and include training on White privilege and racial inequity at our next Faculty Retreat.

Recruitment – We will focus recruitment efforts to reach underrepresented groups in our faculty, student, and staff recruitment efforts. 

We must collectively acknowledge that institutionalized racism can only exist if we do not acknowledge our own privileges and commit to working together to dismantle social injustices within all institutions.  We recognize that it begins here, it begins with us at the Institute for Clinical Social Work.  Please join the DEI Taskforce in our commitment to racial equity.


Bias reporting form


This diversity task force form is for reporting acts of sexual misconduct, including sexual discrimination, harassment, non-consensual sexual intercourse and/or contact, exploitation, and interpersonal violence such as stalking, dating violence and/or domestic violence. You may self-identify or report anonymously on this form.

ICSW may have an obligation to act on a report even if you do not wish to proceed with a complaint or have action taken. If you identify yourself on this form, appropriate ICSW staff will contact you regarding your report.

To Access The Form


Activity Updates


Last Updated, February 2022

The Institute for Clinical Social Work is committed to respecting and supporting the diversity of all community members and their unique contributions and talents. 

Based upon student feedback from a 2021 Campus Climate Survey, President Stewart formed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  (DEI) Taskforce.

Here’s a brief summary of  the taskforce’s work in four DEI priority areas for the Fall 2021 - 2022 Academic Year:


1. Student Engagement

The goal of this area is to identify opportunities for campus engagement that help to cultivate and sustain ongoing discussion, analysis, and continual learning that supports a diverse campus climate?

Activity Updates: Students, faculty, and staff meet in a monthly, virtual book club to discuss the book, How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.

2. Student Support 

The goal of this area is to identify the types of academic/mentoring support that should be provided to students from traditionally marginalized groups to ensure that they feel safe to explore their identities without feeling excluded.

Activity Updates:  Student members recommended adding a DEI Tab to the website, developing a DEI pamphlet with relevant vocabulary, and providing guidance about whom to contact for support if experiencing a DEI related matter.

3. Curricular

The goal of this area is to transform the curricular to align it with our commitment to diversity  and inclusion in the classroom and through clinical placements.

Activity Updates: Drafted a survey for instructors to obtain baseline data on how much DEI content currently exists in course syllabi/class content with the goal of developing a proposal for continuous improvement along with a plan to help instructors.

4. Training 

The goal of this area is to increase faculty and staff members understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to create a more welcoming campus climate for all students.

Activity Updates: Campus trainings for students, faculty,  or staff have been held in the following areas: Implicit Bias, Racial Literacy Training, and Mitigating Implicit Bias.



Please reach out to Dr. Andy Safyer at asafyer@icsw.edu

or the DEI Committee at DEI@icsw.edu

Mitigating Implicit Bias

presented by Tobias L. Spears

Thursday, January 13, 2022

11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

VIA Zoom

Tobias L. Spears is a proven leader in diversity and equity initiatives. He is currently the assistant dean and senior director for Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Chicago. Tobias is a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy degree in American Culture Studies. During his presentation he will discuss how bias impacts everyday decision making, tools to mitigate biases related to social identities and strategies to help gain a deeper understanding of another’s lived experiences.

Contact: Dr. Andy Safyer - asafyer@icsw.edu


Passcode: 751172

Advancing Racial Literacy at the Institute for Clinical Social Work

presented by Fabiola Desmont, LMSW and Christine Schmidt, LCSW, CGP

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.

Student Virtual Session

The aims of each conversation are to foster honest examination of implicit and explicit racial bias in classes. Participants will be invited to discuss impediments to racial equity, including the impact of current practices on BIPOC faculty and students and ways to strengthen white ally ship.

Two sessions will be held; one session for students and one session for faculty.

Each session will address multiple needs for honest engagement and open communication. Participants will be invited to engage in open and confidential dialogue within the group for the first hour. Facilitators intend to create spaces that are safe enough for people to speak from the heart. Recognizing that some members of the community may not be available to participate at the designated times, the groups will be invited to have the final half hour recorded if participants wish to share summaries or recommendations to the ICSW community. This matter will be decided in real time within the group.

Implicit Bias Agenda Workshop

presented by Sylvia Carey-Butler, PhD

Saturday, August 15, 2021

9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.

Hybrid Session

The presenter will:

  • Define implicit bias

  • Discuss implicit bias and its impact on decision making and leadership

  • Discuss strategies to effectively address implicit bias and the facilitation of culturally responsive environments

  • Discuss the Implicit Association Tool (IAT) and how it can be used for self-reflection and a measure for effective decision making

Participants will:

• Complete Cultural Competency Self-Assessment Checklist

• Develop personal Cultural Competency Plan

• Complete C.O.M.F.Y. Exercise

• Questions and Answer