The Wisdom of Psychodynamic Theory: What Does it Offer Us in Our Multicultural World?

Conversations Among Psychodynamic Clinicians

Summer In The City

Summer In The City


May 10: FREUD: Andrea Alpert, Barbara Berger, Michael Hoffman, Allan Scholom, Dennis Shelby

June 14: KLEIN: Ariel Carter, Woody Faigen, Michael Mudgett, Joan Servatius, Jennifer Tolleson

June 21: WINNICOTT: Kerstin Blumhardt, Huey Hawkins, Joel Kanter

July 12: RELATIONAL THEORY: Cate Desjardins, Lou Pansulla, Steve Vogelstein

July 19: ATTACHMENT THEORY: Andrea Barbour, Freddi Friedman, Tara Thomason, Angela Song

August 2: SELF PSYCHOLOGY: Karen Bloomberg, Denise Davis, Sarah Goldberg, Gabe Ruiz

August 9: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS THEORY: Bob Galatzer-Levy, Greg Rizzolo

August 16: NEUROSCIENCE AND PSYCHOANALYSIS: Amy Groessl, Joe Palombo, Sue Terrell


Since Freud, and across professional and academic disciplines, psychodynamic thinking has been idealized, debated, and at times denigrated as a form of therapeutic practice. And yet, the meaningfulness and utility of psychodynamic theorizing persists, finding sustained life within ordinary contemporary psychotherapeutic practice. This series, using discrete sets of

psychodynamic theory in combination with personal and clinical associations by small panels of ICSW faculty and doctoral students, will explore how and why these discourses matter in the

context of our diverse social world.

Steven Kuchuck, DSW, is Co-Editor; Routledge Relational Perspectives Book Series, President of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP), Senior Consulting Editor (formerly Editor-in-Chief) of Psychoanalytic Perspectives, and faculty at NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, NIP National Training Program, The Stephen Mitchell Relational Study Center, and other institutes. His newest book, The Relational Revolution in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: Central Concepts and Current Trends is being published by Confer Books. In 2015 and 2016 he won the Gradiva Award for best psychoanalytic book: Clinical Implications of the Psychoanalyst’s Life Experience: When the Personal Becomes Professional and The Legacy of Sandor Ferenczi: From Ghost to Ancestor (co-edited with Adrienne Harris).


$280 for entire series / 21 CEUs

$50 per session / 3 CEU’s each

ICSW student rate: $210/$40;

Clinicians working in non-profit agencies may register at the student rate

12 CEUs for Social Workers (LSW/ LCSW), Counselors (LPC/LCPC), and Psychologists. CEUs qualify for cultural competency hours.

ICSW is an approved Continued Education sponsor by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation



If you have questions about the conference or how to register, or need Student/Non-Profit Agency rate, please contact Elree Smith at or (773) 943-6506