Welcoming Our New President
Dr. Allan M. Hoffman
Dr. Allan M. Hoffman has been named interim president of the Institute for Clinical Social Work. Dr. Hoffman returns to the Institute of Clinical Social Work after serving as its interim president from 2018-2019.
Dr. Hoffman is an educator and health services executive with over 40 years of extensive executive level experience in leading and managing higher educational and health care organizations. His experience includes serving as a president, CEO, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of Health Sciences and Nursing, and tenured professor. His faculty appointments include family medicine, medical education, public health and healthcare administration.
Among his notable achievements, he served as Founding President of a proposed College of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, which was dedicated to serving the needs of underserved populations and ameliorating health disparities.
His appointments include President of the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute, CEO of the Arizona Campuses of Ottawa University and president of Mount Carmel College of Nursing. Additionally, he has held senior administrator roles at Des Moines University in Iowa, the College of Health Professions at California State University at Dominguez Hills and Cal State Monterey Bay, State University of New York-Buffalo, University of La Verne, St. Francis Medical Center, and the School of Medicine at the University of Southern California.
Among the achievements during his appointments have been significant increases in enrollment and a reduction of financial deficits through increased revenue and strategic partnerships.
In addition to his front-line experience serving as a higher education executive, Dr. Hoffman has researched and published on key issues in higher education leadership with a focus on innovations in higher education, leadership, managing change, total quality improvement, building sustainable and financially strong organizations. He has provided consulting services to schools, colleges, and healthcare organizations in multinational settings. His most recent book, Innovations in Higher Education, is part of the Higher Education Series of the American Council on Education. He is the recipient of numerous awards for his teaching leadership and service. He serves as a coach and mentor particularly to under-represented persons interested in entering higher education leadership roles.
Allan is fully committed to social justice, working to end bias, bigotry and racism and preventing violence in communities. While serving as Dean of the College of Health Sciences at Des Moines University, he was the founder and first Director of the Center for the Prevention of Community Violence. The Center was established as research, programmatic, and community resource. He received a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for his work in violence prevention and an Award from the National Office of National Drug Control Policy for the work of the Center.
In addition to his work and research in higher education, he has published extensively violence prevention issues and provided volunteer service in the US, the Caribbean region, East Africa and other multi-national settings on projects relating to health care and prevention of violence against women and children. He has provided volunteer services with Empower Tanzania, working with the Maasai Tribe in Tanzania, East Africa on a project to prevent Gender Based Violence. His publication Domestic Violence: A Global View was featured by the United Nations during the global initiative on preventing violence against women and children. Dr. Hoffman is the recipient of numerous awards and honors associated with his teaching and his efforts to prevent violence and resolve conflict creatively.
Allan received two master's degrees and a doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University where he was named a Kellogg Fellow. He is a Certified Health Education Specialist (ret). Dr. Hoffman also holds a baccalaureate, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of Hartford.
He and his wife, Annie, have four children and five grandchildren.
His favorite quote: “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a tent with mosquito.”