Is an ICSW Degree worth the cost? 

Return on investment (ROI) is a metric that investors often use to evaluate the profitability of an investment or to compare returns across a number of investments.

It is expressed as a percentage.

For our purposes, in essence, it means does paying the tuition to obtain an ICSW Master’s or Doctoral degree (Investment) yield enough of a return (for example, additional future earnings of next best alternative) to make the endeavour worthwhile?

Source: Investopedia

What Will I Earn After Finishing My Degree?

Estimated Earnings Immediately After Graduation and at Age 45, by Degree

Institution: Institute for Clinical Social Work

Degree Type: Doctoral

Degree Field: Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions

Earnings at Graduation: $86,815

Earnings at Age 45: $136,557


The median master’s degree has a net ROI of $83,000.

But some master’s degrees are worth over $1 million,

while 40 percent have no net financial value at all.


Recent Social Security Administration Lifetime Earning Analysis vs. high school graduates:

Graduate degree holders earns between $1.1- $1.5 million more over life

Source: Social Security Administration

What our recent graduates have to say:

Forty percent (40%) of ICSW graduates indicate they earn between $50,000 - $99,999 annually

Sixty percent (60%) of ICSW graduates indicate they earn over $100,000 annually

Source: 2024 First Destination Survey